Investment team updates – Bullet points 5 November


Latest news from around the investment desks.

Investment team updates – Bullet points 22 October


Our investment team provide their weekly snapshot of market events.

The case for sustainable investing in the UK

Sonal Sagar, Portfolio Manager, and Michael Hamblett, Analyst, look at the tailwinds for sustainable investing generally, the opportunities offered by the UK market and why the UK Sustainable Equity strategy is well placed to capitalise on this

Konjunkturprognosen – 2. Quartal 2021

William Davies wirft einen Blick auf die Ereignisse in verschiedenen Regionen der Welt im 2. Quartal, von der Wirtschaftsleistung und den Konjunkturpaketen bis hin zum Tempo der Wiedereröffnung „Post-Covid“ und den Jobaussichten – und was dies alles für die Zukunft bedeuten könnte.

Sustainable aviation fuel is ready for take-off

The aviation sector consumes around 8% of all oil. How realistic are attempts to reduce emissions through the use of sustainable aviation fuel?

The crowds are returning!

Football player on the field

Investing in the UK has felt a little like the football experience we have endured over the past year: without the crowds it’s been a lonely game. However, at long last the crowds are coming back.

Fondsmanager-Interview: Festhalten an einer globalen Ausrichtung

Zu einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem die Volkswirtschaften auf eine Welt nach Covid-19 blicken und Inflationssorgen zunehmen, sprechen wir mit dem Manager der Strategie Global Focus darüber, was 2021 bringen könnte.

Fund manager interview: maintaining a global focus

With economies looking towards a post-Covid world and concerns around inflation growing, we talk to the manager of the Global Focus strategy about what 2021 might have in store

Covid-19 index: when might life return to ‘normal’?

people on shopping street

With every country attempting to return to normality following the coronavirus pandemic, we are monitoring US economic activity as well as other measures of ’normality‘ such as entertainment and leisure, high street shopping, and schools reopening.

UK sustainable equity – backing responsible businesses emerging stronger from the coronavirus crisis

The pandemic brought the S in environmental, social and governance investing more to the fore, and 2021 will see the fund looking at companies where underlying business models and growth opportunities are positioned for sustainable success